Explore Science Education for your kids

Experience learning with us

What is Evolvingminds?

Evolvingminds is a dedicated learning center for children, specializing in teaching science with an enjoyable, hands-on approach. Explore our unique curriculum that enables your child to excel in science and strengthen their academics. Join us and give your child the opportunity to think and thrive!

What service do we provide?

You can enroll your child for a weekly, seven-month program, the Foundation Journey, where we teach physics, chemistry, biology, electronics, forensic science, microbiology, and much more. The foundation journey has nine levels wherein a child can join at any standard between first/second and tenth. Earlier the better! Many students have continued the full journey and have become graduates of Evolvingminds.

How can you join the foundation journey?

To learn more about the Foundation Journey and about Evolvingminds and to register, we offer a demo class to parents and kids together. The session will help the mentor assess the child and to fit them in the right foundation. Their entry is based on their thinking abilities and motivation rather than their age or standard.

What do we do in the demo session?

  1. Parents and children will experience the science learning methodology in Evolvingminds.

  2. To witness your child’s critical thinking skills

  3. Mentoring inputs to both parents and children.

  4. Perform a science activity and experience the joy of discovering. 

  5. Determine the right level in the Foundation Journey.

Meet the mentor - your thinking assistant!

“Throughout time, humans have been curious. We always think about how knowledge arrives. When we think, we evolve.”

With a bright vision in his mind, Anand R sets forth to challenge young minds and unlock their potential. He strongly advocates for nurturing curiosity in children as early as possible so they grow to be original thinkers. He recognizes the deep-rooted problems in traditional teaching methods and strives to adopt a unique, exclusive pedagogy at Evolvingminds. Meet the founder, the inspiring Thinking Assistant, who will readily encourage your children to THINK!

What’s parents say about the demo class?

I learned not to answer all their questions. Instead, we can make them think!

Exceeded my expectations—the best way to build confidence in kids.

Thinking is the biggest benefit for kids.

How kids can find answers!

Make kids think in different ways. Give them the time to think!

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